It's easy, I promise. You have just been going at it wrong.
Do you want the benefits that running provides (better fitness, weight loss, more energy, etc.) but tried it and found yourself saying 'I hate running'? This site is for you. Running provides more benefits for the time invested than any other exercise we know of. You can replace an hour of biking or walking with fifteen minutes of running and get better results. But you already knew that, didn't you?
We have developed a simple to follow system that has successfully converted many 'I hate running, but want to run' people into lean, mean running machines. Well, some are still working on the mean part, but this system works to get you running without saying 'I hate this' in no time at all. And the best news is that you can accomplish this in as little as one hour a week. Now, before you start any fitness program, consult your doctor.